Get Your Ducks In A Rowe

Get Your Ducks In A Rowe - Book-1
Business Writing & Communication
Imagine having your students or team quickly master the art of writing a clear, concise and compelling POV on 1-simple page.
Then being able to craft it into a cohesive impactful presentation. I call it STRATEGIC WRITING. It's not taught in school, so I wrote GYDIAR-Book-1 as the foundation, based upon a classic briefing document, that quickly teaches the simple, proven 10-Step, 1-Page, Fill-In-The-Blanks Format to Think, Write, Present and Sell that can be read in ~ 1-Hour.
$14.99 (PB)
$9.99 (Kindle)
$5.45 (Audio)

Get Your Ducks In A Rowe - Book-2
Learn The A-D-A-P-T-E-R Method
Now imagine having your students or team able to analyze a situation, draw conclusions, develop and execute a plan. For the most part, we don't teach critical thinking in school, we teach memorization. But, it's an important talent development need. Therefore, I wrote GYDIAR-Book-2 to explain in more detail how to do each step from critical thinking through execution via The A-D-A-P-T-E-R Method, which stands for Analyze - Deduce - Author - Perform - Tackle - Evaluate - Refine.
$14.99 (PB)
$9.99 (Kindle)
$5.45 (Audio)
Quickly Fixing Your Students'
POOR Thinking, Writing & Presenting Skills Via
A Simple, Tangible, Proven Solution
While 75% of managers say the top 2 skills they look for when hiring are Critical Thinking and Communication, 45-75% of managers rate recent grads they’ve hired poorly on these skills.
Worse, 2/3 - 80% of recent grads rate themselves as proficient, they don’t even know they are not good at it.

There's A Missing Link In Education!

Check Out Media Coverage Of The Issue
The Problem
Check Out Media Coverage Of The Issue

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The Impact
Inc. Magazine alone had 3 separate articles with headlines indicating the negative financial impact of poor writing and communication. Not to mention the impact on employee performance and morale.

The Cause
The Cause
"It goes beyond Persuasive Writing,” which is important, but it’s not real world.
The Missing Link In Teaching Writing

Strategic Writing Is Real World
It starts with analysis of a situation to understand the status, and identify the problems.
Then it provides a logical approach to thinking through problems to develop innovative or creative solutions.
Using a structured format for communicating a clear, concise and compelling message to generate buy-in.
Providing an approach to develop action plans with common sense formats to achieve goals.
Practical, goal-oriented skills to improve productivity.
It's not taught, so you need to teach your students or train your team via
To Write Is To Think.

To Write Is To Think.

It starts with analysis of a situation to understand the status, and identify the problems.
Then it provides a logical approach to thinking through problems to develop innovative or creative solutions.
It provides a simple structured 10-Step Fill-In-The-Blanks Format for communicating a clear, concise and compelling message to generate buy-in.
It also includes "executional" approaches to develop action plans with common sense formats to achieve goals.
Resulting in practical, goal-oriented skills to improve productivity.
It's not taught, so you need to train your team via the
To Write Is To Think!
The Solution
The Cause

Facts Tell. Stories Sell!
Inspired by Who Moved My Cheese, I wrote a simple fable about ducks in business as a quick read to provide executives and educators a simple way to teach a structured process of critical thinking to write strategically. It is based upon my 45+ years in marketing in senior client side, agency president, and agency ownership positions.
While the initial focus was training executives and recent grads in business, the exact same structured format is ideal for high school teachers and college professors to teach these fundamental skills to students before they graduate. (SEE 'TEACHING' BELOW).
A Story Is A Better Way To Learn
Versus Another Boring Business Book
“Story is up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone.
Stories are not facts, figures or lists, and yet when facts and figures are interwoven into a story it can pull at the audience both intellectually and emotionally.”
Jennifer Aaker, Stanford Marketing Professor
Inc. Magazine

Check Out These Reviews
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I Wrote Book-2 To Teach A Simple Way To Understand The Holistic Cycle From Critical Thinking - Communication - Execution
The A-D-A-P-T-E-R Method
Chapters By Section
How To Analyze A Business With And Without Data
How To Draw Conclusions & See Implications
How To Set Strategic Direction
How To Develop Creative Solutions
This Is A Brief Synopsis Of The 10-Steps Of Book-1
Author Advice - A Deep Dive Into 10 Writing Tips & Tools
How To Present Effectively
How To Use PowerPoint Properly
How To Interact With Your Slides
How To Leverage Body Language & Voice
The Importance Of Project Management
Key Areas & Simple Tools For Project Management
Evaluate & Refine
The Importance Of Tracking Metrics & Planning To Adapt
Teaching - Training - Talking
Jim presenting to ASU Grad students
via 3-HR Zoom showing slide of
why Dr. Susan Keith selected
Get Your Ducks In A Rowe as textbooks.

Grad Student Open Ended Comments
On Likes & Benefits Of Both Books

The Grad Students Were Provided A Survey To Provide Insight Into What They Learned And The Benefits Of The Books Approach
(Via a 5-point scale)

Teaching - Training - Talking
Academic Journals Book Reviews

Having trained teams, I realize you can't just say... here, read this book and write this way!

Therefore, I Created 2 Training Approaches To
Create A Culture Of Communication
Large corporations are spending $10,000's on writing and communication training.
Many SMB's can't afford that.
Therefore, I created the Customizable PPT & 1-Page Form to provide senior executives at smaller companies with 2 simple, inexpensive tools to complement the books to train your team quickly and effectively.

10-Steps With Definitions / Tips
A Simple “Fill-In-The-Blanks” Form
Use Key Words / Phrases to be Precise / Concise
Final Is Editable In PDF
Adopt As Unified Corp. Approach
Buy The Downloadable PPT
& 1-Page PDF for $34.99
To Create A Culture Of Communication you all need to be using the same approach.
Therefore, I created the form with a brief description for each of the 10-Steps so they don't need to refer back to the book again
You want everyone to use this format going forward in written documents and in PPT presentations
Make sure the 1-Page form is in your HR Manual as an important tool to use for all major written documents and recommendations so everyone uses the same approach
Goal is to create “Culture Of Communication” to lower stress > increase morale > improve productivity.
The 2 Books are still the foundation of learning the Get Your Ducks In A Rowe the approach. The PPT is set up and structured so you can download it with instructions for how to present to your team allowing you to customize it to your specific issues and circumstances. I recommend starting with the PPT to set up the "why is this needed," then hand out the books as outlined below. The basic structure is as follows:
1 - Reason for the Meeting
Why you scheduled the meeting. Indicate need to improve thinking / communicating. Stay positive.
2 - The Skills Gap
A synopsis of the data showing this is a major issue nationally - it's not just them!
3 - The Problems
Outline the specific examples that led you to look for a means to think / communicate better to be more productive.
4 - The Solution
Strategic Writing via Get Your Ducks In A Rowe's 10-Step Format to make sure everyone is using the same approach.
5 - Hand Out Book-1
Ask them to spend ~1-hour and read it and plan a follow-up meeting shortly thereafter.
Customizable Reason For Meeting
Research On The Skills Gap
Customizable Examples Of Your Issues
Solution Is Strategic Writing
Approach Is Get Your Ducks In A Rowe
Customizable Team PPT
Customizable Team PPT
1-Page 10-Step Form

The key steps are:
A Discovery Call to understand the issues and goals.
A Proposal based upon the anticipated amount of time to both prepare / customize the presentation and present to you team(s).
STEP 1: A Kick Off Session with the team to set up the "reason why and need" for the project using examples and issues from your company.
STEP 2: Hand out the books for the team to read
STEP 3: A 1/2 day session where Jim reviews the core points from each book inserting relevant examples to ensure total understanding and buy-in.
Work with Jim to develop a coaching session(s) that is customized to be most relevant to your business issues as it relates to critical thinking, writing and presenting based upon both Books - 1 & 2
Have Jim Coach Your Team To
Teaching - Training - Talking
A 2-Book Fable Series About Ducks In Business To Teach
*See Results Of Angelo State U, TX Student Research & Published Academic Journals Below On This Page
Jim presenting to ASU Grad students via 3-HR Zoom showing slide of why Dr. Susan Keith selected Get Your Ducks In A Rowe as textbooks. _________
Jim presenting to ASU Grad students via 3-HR Zoom showing slide of why Dr. Susan Keith selected Get Your Ducks In A Rowe as textbooks. _________
The Grad Students Were Provided A Survey To Provide Insight Into What They Learned And The Benefits Of The Books Approach (Via a 5-point scale)